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Last Revised: September 2, 2021

When purchasing an HVAC system, including any or all related parts and materials, from The Furnace Store (collectively, the “HVAC Equipment”), the Purchaser agrees:

  1. The Purchaser is solely responsible for the purchase, installation and operation of the HVAC Equipment, including:
    1. obtaining a qualified and licenced third-party professional to install the HVAC Equipment, and
    2. ensuring the HVAC Equipment is installed and operated in accordance with:
      1. industry standards,
      2. manufacturer instructions and guidelines, and
      3. all applicable laws, regulations and codes.
  2. The Furnace Store may provide the Purchaser with recommendations or advice regarding the purchase, installation or operation of the HVAC Equipment (collectively, “Recommendations”). The Purchaser is solely responsible and liable for any actions taken by the Purchaser based on or as a result of such Recommendations.
  3. The Furnace Store provides no express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements in relation to the HVAC Equipment. The Purchaser is solely responsible for determining the terms of any third-party warranties, representations or endorsements applicable to the HVAC Equipment.
  4. The Furnace Store, its directors, officers, employees, affiliates, agents, contractors, suppliers, service providers or licensors shall in no way be liable for any injury, loss, debts, claims, actions, causes of actions, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, charges, expenses, legal fees and disbursements, fines and penalties arising, directly or indirectly, from actions of the Purchaser in relation to the HVAC Equipment.